Vivi Christensen is engaged in the field of narrative painting and unfolds stories on large open canvases. On the canvases she portrays her closest family, her mother, daughter, son, close friends and herself in private spaces. The result weaves threads across the dynamics within family life, in a personalized mode of expression achieved through the work with the portraits. Her projects unfolds as a coherent ethereal work, in which the works enter into dialogue with the surrounding space and with the audience. Her works concern close relationships and inner feelings, and relate to the tradition of art history, in which life is perceived as a point of departure for creating art. Vivi Christensen wants to transform personal experiences into general stories about the relationship between people.

Vivi Christensen is born 1962 in Denmark. In 2001 she finished her education from The Fünen Art Academy of Fine Arts. Vivi Christensen has exhibited widely in Denmark and abroad. Her work has been exhibited in museums and institutions, including The Fünen Art Museum, The Free Exhibitionplace in Copenhagen, The Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, Rønnebæksholm in Næstved, Gallerie Prima Kunst, Kiel, Germany, Moderna Museum, Stockholm, Sweden. She has been awarded grants such as Irgens-Bergh Artist Scholarship; Travel scholarship New Carlsberg Foundation; several grants and supports from the Danish Arts Foundation.




Curriculum Vitae


Education  1996-2001 The Academy of Visual Art Funen, Denmark


Selected exhibitions

Lillesøster / Little sister Juxtapose Art Fair with M100 Godsvognen Århus DK

Sjæleflager Exhibitionplace Sydhavn Station Copenhagen DK

BLIK / GLANCE  Exhibitionplace M100 Odense DK

Once upon a dream Galleri Boulevard156 Copenhagen DK

Kroppen, som ingen ende vil tage / The Body that no end will take  Artbuilding Filosoffen Odense DK

GIFT / MARRIED  My appartment Odense , DK

Begyndelse – Tilbageblik og Udsyn / Beginning – Looking back and View Exhibitionplace Vandrehallen Kunsthal,  Hillerod, DK

Teenager is leaving home  Lagerhallen Roersvej 33A Odense, DK

COMEBACK Mageloes 1, Odense, DK 


Hvis du bare vidste / If you only knew  Kunsthuset Palaefloejen Roskilde, DK

Dine bjørne lister ud af din skjorte  Fall Exhibition KE 2011  Den Frie – Centre of Contemporary Art – Copenhagen DK 

Måske bliver jeg lykkelig / Perhaps I will be happy  – De levende ord  Rønnebæksholm DK

Jeg er bange for det nye / I am affraid of the new – VITAVRAP  Skibssmeden Odense. VITAVRAP Gallery DASK, Copenhagen

Parafrase Agnes Slott-Møllers Dronning Margrete I og Erik af Pommeren. Funen Art Museum, DK   

Luder Tuder / Prostitute weeps – SPEAK UP!   Den Frie – Centre of Contemporary Art – Copenhagen, DK 

A Room of Ones own Time Out Odense, DK 

Knallertsange / Mopedsongs Performance moped tour on Funen and Islands/DK with Tine Louise Kortermand.  DK

Kærlighedstrusler / Love treats – Den Sorte Danske Encyklupklupædi withKlubKlub. Toldboden Kerteminde DK

Porcelænsvognen / The porcelain wagon with Camilla Gaugler. Skanderborg Festival, Phono Festival, Kunstparade Kbh, DK

Jeg synger en sang for dig / I sing a song for you The walking streets in Aarhus, Silkeborg, Odense, Svendborg, Koge og Copenhagen DK,

08.03.03. Mellemrummet ved Brandts Klædefabrik Odense DK

Hjemmefra / From home with GODT  Spring-exhibition 2003 Charlottenborg Exhibition Building  Copenhagen DK

Daddy is it hot in Hell  Spring-exhibition 2002 Charlottenborg Exhibition Building. Copenhagen DK

Min mor fortæller om min far / My mother tells about my father Video 13 min.

If you want me  Brandts, Odense DK

Mother do you love me   Arthall Copenhagen DK

2-Best-foto. Exhibitionplace Peblinc Copenhagen DK

KonnektorBerlin  Hall in Christinenenstrasse, Berlin, Germany

Flocking   Exhibitionplace North – Kopenhagen DK

Familie / Family   Exhibitionplace DFKU Odense DK

Intet klyt under kjolen  with the Stine Frederiksen. Rum 46, Århus DK

Hvem er det der har skambidt mine guldkorn   Four appartments in Odense DK

Was weiss ein bauer uber agurgensalat   Gallerie Prima Kunst,  Kiel, Germany

Mark   Exhibitionplace DFKU Odense DK

Made in  China – 541 km i timen – Randers Artmuseum DK




M100  Odense DK

SPEAK UP! Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art Copenhagen DK

VITAVRAP Skibssmeden Odense DK


Public Works

Psychiatric Department Odense University Hospital. Awarded by the Art Council.

Pårup School and Munkebjerg School in Odense, DK. Assigned by Odense Municipality visual arts councils.

Public art collections

The Danish Arts Foundation



Kunstnersamfundet, The Artist Community,
BKF Danish Visual Artists
KODA Organisation for mucisians


Sound and music

The band RU HIMMEL in cooperation with the guitarist Hans Thygesen, 2005 – 2009

Represented  in The Nordic sound projekt
Represented  in The Ersta Konsthall sound archive, Art is not mute



The Danish Arts Foundation. Working grant  2022

The Danish Arts Council. Support for the exhibition BLIK, 2019

The Danish Arts Council.  Residence Scholarship Germany, 2017

Das Künstlerhaus Lukas. Residence Scholarship via Hollufgaard, 2017

The Danish Arts Council. Support to this website. 2014

Irgens-Bergh Art Grant.  Working grant. 2014

The Danish Arts Foundation. Working grant  2013

Hollufgaards Travelgrant to London. 2012

Nordic House Exchange program Krakow, PL. 2009

Odense Municipal, Culture. Support for the exhibition A room of ones own. 2006

The Danish Arts Foundation. Working grant 2003

The Danish Filminstitute.  Support for Mother do you love me and My mother tells me about my father. 2002

New Carlsberg Foundation. Travel scholarship to Japan. 1998


Support for co-organized work 

2018 – 2020
The Danish Art Foundation, Starting up New Exhibition Platforms. Det Obelske Familiefond.  Odense Municipal Culture.  Spar Nord Fonden Support for a two year exhibition series 2018 – 2020  The Exhibitionsplace M100

The Danish Art Foundation, Møllerens fond, Danish Metal, Odense Municipal Culture Support for the exhibition VITAVRAP arranged by Granat.

The Region of South Denmark Pool for experimental art, Odense Municipal Culture. Support for the music project  Lydild at Skibssmeden Odense, DK

The Danish Art Foundation Visual Art and Literature Committee, Copenhagen Municipality’s Fine Art Selection, OAK Foundation, Tuborgfondet. Support for the exhibition project SPEAK UP!  The Free Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen DK

Odense Munical Culture  Support for the exhibition A room of ones own and Performance Porcelænsvognen Odense, DK

Odense County og Odense Munical Culture Support for the music performance Knallertsange, Funen and the Islands, DK

LO´s Pool of Kulture and Copenhagen Municipality’s Fine Art Selection. The Artgroup GODT at Hvidovre Hospital, DK



2022   Article at The independent Art Medium IDOART  På vej mod et mere traumeinformeret samfund

2016   Interview Artist of the week 

2009   The Report Spændvidder – about art and artpolitic. The Projekt Knallertsange in the chapter Performative Art. Written by Culture Policy  Research Center, Jørgen Langsted. Published by The Danish Arts Foundation. Publisher KLIM

2009   Reportage from my home and artworks. The magazine VITAWRAP. Published by GRANAT.

2007   The Book LARM, From mouth cavity to laptop-the sound of Nordic art. About Nordic female soundartist´s. Photos and text from the art projekt Knallersange. Published by Kabusa Böcker

2005   The Book Øjenkontakt. The Musicvideo Big Eyes World is represented with interview, text and videostills. North Publisher

2000   The book Konnektor  Artist from Værkstedskolen in Århus. Published by The Byhøjskolen